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Kailua Transcripts Study Talks


The 52 Kailua Transcripts Study Talks

Early in 2008 I received a gift from a dear friend. Here I held in my hands a transcript of the 1955 Kailua Study Series Tapes. When practised in earnest, this series will effectively take a person from the letter of Truth to the Spirit of Truth. Nothing could be more important to any truth student. It was a one year journey for me and those who joined in this study. The result was 52 talks based on the transcripts to deepen, expand, and clarify the principles presented therein.


I recommend that you purchase the original tapes of this series from the Joel Goldsmith website and study them at depth. What I am offering here is the talks I made while studying the transcripts. You can get a copy of the transcripts to follow along with the 52 talks I made by asking me for one. Here is the email address to write to Bill: Iamwithin@gmail.com

I would recommend you listen to one talk per week and then practice the principles. That should keep anyone very involved for about a year, after which you may no longer find yourself the same person that started on this journey of awakening.

You may download and listen to the complete Series of 52 talks for free, however, if you feel you would like to donate to help maintain this website, your gift would be very much appreciated. You may write to the post office box listed on the bottom of the first page of this website, or use the PayPal link which is also there.

I hope you will be as blessed by this work as I have been and the many others who have traveled together with me in Consciousness. Here is the link to the 52 talks:

Kailua Transcripts Talks

Blessings and Love.
